Create a Favorite Game Prompt in Studio

Thursday, Nov 21, 2024


What Are “Favorite Game” Pop-Up Prompts in Roblox?

In Roblox, a “Favorite Game” pop-up prompt is a tool developers use to encourage players to mark their game as a favorite. This prompt usually appears when a player spends time enjoying the game or achieves something special, like completing a level. It’s an easy way to remind players that they can show support by clicking the “Favorite” button.

Why Are These Prompts Important?

Marking a game as a favorite helps boost its visibility. When players favorite a game:

  1. It’s added to their profile for others to see.
  2. The game’s popularity ranking can increase, making it appear in more searches.
  3. It shows other players that the game is well-liked, encouraging them to try it too.

For developers, this is a great way to build a loyal community and get more players to notice their game.

How Do Favorite Game Prompts Work?

Developers usually show these prompts in moments where the player feels accomplished or happy. For example:

  • After completing a quest or boss fight.
  • When finishing a tutorial.
  • If the player returns to the game multiple times.

By showing the prompt at the right time, players feel more motivated to favorite the game.

Examples of Roblox Games Using Favorite Game Prompts

Here are some popular Roblox games that use favorite game pop-ups effectively:

  1. Adopt Me!
    After players finish building their house or adopting their first pet, a prompt often encourages them to favorite the game.
  2. Brookhaven
    When players enjoy exploring the city and using its features, a subtle reminder pops up asking them to favorite.
  3. Tower of Hell
    Many players favorite the game after completing difficult stages, thanks to a well-timed prompt.
  4. Pet Simulator X
    After hatching rare pets or unlocking new worlds, the game nudges players to mark it as a favorite.

How Does This Help Promote the Game?

Favorite prompts help in several ways:

  • Attract New Players: A game with lots of favorites is more likely to show up in the “Recommended” or “Popular” sections.
  • Build Loyalty: Players who favorite a game are more likely to return and play again.
  • Boost Developer Reputation: A high number of favorites makes the game and its creator seem more trustworthy.

Should Every Game Use Favorite Prompts?

Not every game needs these prompts, but if you’re a developer, it’s worth considering. Make sure you use the prompt at the right time and don’t show it too often, or players might feel annoyed.

Using “Favorite Game” pop-up prompts the right way can help any game grow its audience and build a strong fanbase. If you’re making a game on Roblox, try adding one and see how it helps!


CODE </>

local AvatarEditorService = game:GetService("AvatarEditorService") 
AvatarEditorService:PromptSetFavorite(12345679, Enum.AvatarEditorService.Asset, true)